Everyone likes superheros. Do you want to be one? Well, we are sorry but you can’t be one. If everyone could be superhero then what would be the point? Here is what you can do instead. You can wear…

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Magnetic Smartphone Car Mount – something useful for a change ;) We know, you shouldn’t text and drive but the smartphones of today have many cool features, which you can use while you drive. GPS and navigation, calls, music…

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Braaaains! Zombies eat people’s brains, some people eat animal brains but if you are not a fan of either then you can at least drink them, No, don’t worry, not real brains, it’s just water. How appropriate, since the…

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This Game of Thrones Cross Stitch spells, please excuse our language, Crows Before Hoes. It’s not only a funny word play and a joke, it is also true if you know anything about Night Watch vows. Jon Snow might…

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My God, what have they done. It is decapitated teddy bear that has it;s head replaced with the lamp. This is so wrong yet so cool. You can pretend that teddy bear is ok and he is just wring…

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When you buy a smartphone you are stuck with whatever the manufactured included at the moment. What if you could change that without changing entire phone? We all know about the project ARA (mobile phone made out of replaceable…

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Let’s just get this straight first – this is a real pinball machine but it is not operational anymore, you cant play pinball on it. However it still lights up and makes droid-like beeps and whirs. The toy R2-D2…

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Poor cookie monster. He always runs out of cookies, he is addicted to them and now even worse happened. Someone got him and turned him into a rug, along with the last cookie he wanted to eat. Don’t worry,…

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Is it a bomb? Is it a plane? Is it a Superman (it is definitely not a Superman!)? Is it a death star for ants? None of the above, it is high tech depth finder (in short, smart sonar)…

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Boiled egg. So simple, so good. But once you boil it, there is not much to do with it, right? Wrong. You can slice it or eat it whole but why would you do this when you can make…

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Wouldn’t it be nice if you could just lie down and there would be music all around your head? You wouldn’t even need to pick up your remote or phone to skip the tune you don’t like. That item…

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Are you a fun person? Does ordinary bore you? Did you just came out or want to? Then this is the perfect gift for you. Rainbow tape is just like the ordinary tape except that it is in the…

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If you are fan of Hannibal or some other crazy guy then you will love Brain Specimen Coasters. It’s brain sliced and used as a coasters. No, it’s not a real brain, you sicko. Or is it? If you…

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Vinyl (LP) records are becoming popular again, thanks to hipsters and people who love the retro stuff. This is a great product: not only is it portable vinyl player (that will play your LPs at 33 or 45 RPM),…

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Are you a manchild or are you losing hair and want at leastto have some fun while shaving it? Then look no further than this awesome toy car head shave razor. It is the most popular shaver right now….

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