Bananagrams is the most popular toy / game on Amazon. Yes, even more than Scrabble and Monopoly! It is exciting and challenging to play this game with adults, but it can be fun to include the kids.
Show everyone that you are 8-bit gaming fan with this 8-bit retro tie. It’s the tie that Mario wore to his high-school graduation. You’ll be the envy of the office or, at least, you’ll get tons of attention.
Imagine playing game like chess but with a freaking lasers! Khet Laser Game uses Egyptian mirrors and modern, eye-safe lasers to illuminate opponents and win the game. Winner of multiple awards.
After the success of Darth Vader and Son we get another beautiful and funny story – Vader and his little princess Lea. Darth Vader is a dad like any other—except, you know, he’s Dark Lord of the Sith.
This is so cool that even Bruce Lee would approve. Stop accessorizing your home with uninspired IKEA functionality and put some punch back into your place with our Ninja Coat Hooks.
Don’t ever get caught again drunk and driving. It is dangerous and illegal. Use this keychain breathalyzer after you had your drink to see if it is time to call it quits or time for another round.
So you are on a party and they bring beers. They are desperately looking for a bottle opener but it is nowhere to be seen. This is your moment to shine. Use your ring, save the day and get…
Dear Mother of God! Imagine driving your bicycle, minding your own business when suddenly this guys stops next to you at red light. Instant heart attack. Is it Nicholas Cage? Or is it the Grim Reaper?
“You shall not pass!” Say it again now with your own LEGO Gandalf figurine. Build all 6 highly detailed floors of The Tower of Orthanc filled with fascinating movie-related details.
For all you retro video games nerds who like to play cards we have this nice pack of Super Mario Bros Playing Cards. Princess, Luigi, Mario – they are all these. All drawn in nice 8-bit graphics.
Futuristic looking thermostat remembers the temperatures you like, programs itself and saves energy by automatically turning itself down when you’re away. Wi-Fi controled (smartphone, laptop or tablet).
All you skaters, here’s somethign for you. Stand out and be seen 24-7 with these Skateboard Flare LED wheels. LED wheels self power off the spinning motion of the wheel therefore no batteries are ever required.
Put your dog on hot dog leash. Go out for a walk with your dog in park and people will turn in your direction. Is this guy using hot dogs for a leash? Good conversation starter.
Now you can carry the cash and be bad mother f***er at the same time. Next time you buy something showe your $$ or credit card in clerks face and say : Money/Credit card, Motherf****r, do you take it??
Cats don’t require so much attention like dogs but even then we are sometimes bored of them and don’t have time to play. This toy has adjustable timer with 16 play combinations and is a fun exercise for cats…