Bacon. Everyone loves bacon. Fifty Shades of Bacon is an erotic cookbook that delves into the full bacon experience. Ok, so maybe it’s not erotic at all, but it is a tongue in cheek delivery of some great bacon…
This calorie counting wine glass has many advantages. It can be used to count calories. Another great use is that you will pour exactly the same amount to all your friends at party. And lastly, it is used to…
This is so cool that it was featured on Today show. Be the light of the party. We are sure you will have more fun wearing the light up tie than the person not wearing one. Available in white,…
Romance your princess, say “I love you” with this 8-bit Flower Bouquet and she will let you in her castle! Great for geeks, 8-bit nostalgics or just people who love unique and cute gifts. It never needs watering, it…
Moms – this is a perfect gift for your teenage son! We all know it is true. After a long day at work or school out clothes are soaked with sweat. Saturday’s socks, Sunday’s shirts, Friday’s frilly bits. It…
LEGO are one of the favorite toys in the world. Young and not so young love them equally. Here is something special for all you Lego lovers: LEGO Coffee Mug. It’s a coffee mug and construction set all in…
We love bacon. Everyone loves bacon. It’s a magical food coming from a magical animal. The only problem is that it is full of fat. We usual fry it in the pan but this doesn’t help with the fat….
Watch with a fantastic faceless unique design. Grab it while this offer lasts: it’s down to only $4.98 (original $59.90!). Faceless wrist watch will display the current time with custom LED that is built right into the band. The…
Wait, what? Stapler that doesn’t use staples when it staples? How is this even possible? How does it work? It uses the very paper you want to staple together. It makes an arrow type of hole, then feeds it…
Boy, we’ve been all there. Stuck in the traffic behind some Sunday driver going 20mph. Save your voice and aggravation by using this Road Rage Megaphone. It will hurl angry and insulting phrases. If you are a badass enough…
The problem with chopsticks is that they are very useful when you just start to eat the food but when you get to the last 10% it gets harder – all those small pieces are hard to grab. Also…
This is straight from the Total Recall – it’s like you had this Kuato coming out of you but in the form of a pug… It is so realistic that you will not know where the print ends and…
One of the problems when walking a dog in the rain is the dog shaking itself in the house afterwards, making everything wet. This pet umbrella with an inbuilt leash solved this problem. It helps you keep your pet…
What time is it? It’s time to party!!! Show everyone that you are the real deal, that you know how to party. You never know when this might come in handy. If you are particularly frequent partygoer then you…
“Why have it square when you could have it round?” is the questions that is asked since the dawn of times. “But it’s impossible, it cannot be done” people would say. They are wrong, it is possible, we have…