Standing at just under 17 inches, Gnome Chomsky the Garden Noam clutches his classic books, ‘The Manufacture of Compost’ and ‘Hedgerows not Hegemony’ – with his open right hand ready to hold the political slogan of your choosing. His…

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Usually we associate running wheel with hamsters but cats can use this exercise wheel too, not to mention they look even funnier when they fall off it. So why would you even make cat run on this wheel? Well,…

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Move over Thor, this is the coolest hammer we have seen. Hammer in the shape of 2 fists! As far as we know this is a concept art and not a real item but who knows. Imagine hammering something…

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Batman might take on Superman in the new Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice movie but in your house, you are the the one having the upper hand and making the rules. If you say that he has to…

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This is the cutest way to save you coins. Place the coin on the top of the box and a cute little mechanical panda will appear, steal and save your coin. When the panda emerges out of the box,…

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This is a concept art, created by Industrial Designer Paul Julius Martus from Grand Rapids, but it is so creepy and cool that we wish they would sell it. We are not sure if this is actually useful because…

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So this is an ultra-compact gearing system with an extreme reduction. The gear ratio is 11.373.076 to 1. In other words: You turn that handle 11 million times and the last gear will turn only once. We have no…

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Hey you guuuuys. Remember us? We are the Goonies. How does our pledge go again?: I will never betray my goon dock friends / We will stick together until the whole world ends / Through heaven and hell, and…

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What do you get when you mix unicorn and a hand? A handicorn! You get 4 legs and a unicorn had and you place it on your fingers. It’s like God gave us 5 fingers just so we can…

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We all know those Wrestling Buddy pillows of Hulk Hogan or Ultimate Warrior. Have you ever wanted to have one that had your face on it? Now you can. You just upload your photo give this website some details…

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Who has better superhero? Marvel or DC Comics? It is up to you to decide with the game of chess. No, not you average game of chess but the chess that has only superheroes for pieces. One side plays…

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These matryoshka nesting dolls really tie the room together. No, it is not just our opinion, man! You have The Dude (or, uh, His Dudeness, or uh, Duder, or El Duderino if you’re not into the whole brevity thing),…

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My God, what have they done. It is decapitated teddy bear that has it;s head replaced with the lamp. This is so wrong yet so cool. You can pretend that teddy bear is ok and he is just wring…

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Ah, if we only had these when were were kids instead of those slingshots. This one is smaller, more precise and it can shoot the projectiles two to three times the rate of a regular slingshot! How awesome is…

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Imagine sitting on a toilet when you hear a voice: “Oh God, this smells!”. You almost fall into a toilet. Who was that? There is no one here except you. You carefully take another piece of roll and there…

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